Kamis, 12 September 2019

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My experience of caring for pets

By: thinks On: 11.51
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  • My experience of caring for pets

    My experience of caring for animals I have a cat that is about 8 months old, his name is Milo, because when I adopted when I was 1.5 months, he was very agile and happy to play. is a peaknose cat, a female parent is a Himalayan cat, and its parent is a cat-race peaknose.

    On my first day of adoption, I had to worry if Milo was going to the toilet, because he did not get used to pup in the sandbox. So every after eating or after waking up, Milo always I put in the sandbox, when he was confused as to why he was put there, teach his foot to scratching the sand, do continue patiently and painstaking. Finally Milo pup for the first time since my adoption was successfully done in the sandbox, after which the cat would automatically pup in the sandbox hold, although my success had to be paid with me not to sleep until the morning.

    For my food I gave a special cat meal for a kitten, and every month I always love the wet food so that Milo is not saturated, for exra I give Milo milk for babies, keep in mind!, do not carelessly give baby milk to Kitten, because when not fit Kitten will Mencret, try to give baby milk that is free lactose, if Milo I give lactol milk kitten milk that is a formula for a lactose-free baby for ages 0-12 months.

    Regarding health problems, at the age of 1.5 months I gave Milo of worms, for kittens obliged to be given worms, because surely they were as clean as any treatment we give. For Milo I give a worm drug brand "Drontal Cat" can be bought in the Pet shop. For beginners, there will be little distress when giving worms to the cat in the whole, when mixed into food or drink it will also be difficult, because after trying it once a cat will be reluctant to eat or drink again. A simple enough way to give a tablet-shaped worm is to soften it and mixed with a little water, then put in the pipette and put a sipuss kemulut. After being given a worm drug of our cat and give him a gift of his fovorly food, let the sicat not very stressed, and do not forget to bathe the cat at least once a week.

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