Sabtu, 23 November 2019

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Love and Time

By: thinks On: 07.58
  • sabar ya lagi error
  • The story is on a small island, dwelling on a variety of abstract objects. There is love, sadness, wealth, excitement, and so on. They coexist well.

    However, sometime there came a storm on the island and the sea water suddenly rose and it would drown the island. All the island dwellers are quickly trying to save themselves. Love is very confused because he cannot swim and has no boat. He stood by the beach trying to find help. Meanwhile the water is getting up wetting the feet of love.

    Soon the love sees riches are pedaling the boat. Intellectual! Wealth! Please Me! "cried the love. Ouch! Sorry, love! "said Riches," My perahuku has been full of my treasures. I cannot take you and, in the past, this is drowning. Moreover, there is no place for you at this perahuku.

    Then wealth quickly pedaling his crew again. Love is sad, but then he saw the joy of passing by his boat. Excitement! Please Me! ", screaming love. But excitement is too excited because she finds a boat so she doesn't hear the cry of love.

    The higher the water wetting love up to the waist and love is getting panicked. Not long ago beauty. Beauty! Bring me with you! ", screaming love. "Wow, love, you are wet and dirty. I can't bring you along. Later you are littering this beautiful perahuku. "said Beauty.

    Love is sad to hear it. He began to cry sobbing. It was the sadness. "Oh, sadness, bring me with you," said Love. "Sorry, love. I'm sad and I want to be alone "said sadness while constantly pedaling his crew. Desperate love. He feels the water is rising and will sink it. At this critical moment the sound suddenly sounded, "Love! Let's hurry up to the Perahuku! " Love looked toward the voice and saw an old man with his boat. Fast-paced love rides into the boat, just before the water sinks it.

    On the nearby island, the old man lowered love and soon left again. At that moment it was only that Cinta realized that she had no way to know who the parents had saved her. Cinta immediately asks him to an old resident on the island, who is actually the old man. "Oh, old man? He is the time. "said the man. "But, why did he save me? I don't know him. Even the friends who recognized me were reluctant to help me "asked Love wonder. "For," the man said, "It's time to know what the true value of love is".

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